The event for 2023 will be on the weekend of the 9th and 10th September. The gardens will open in the afternoon from 13.00 to 17.00. If you would like to open your garden in 2023 please contact us and we will be very pleased to discuss the event with you:
Bryony – 07525480291
Samantha – 07753680800
email us on –
The money raised which will be used to fund ADAS activities which are all aimed at increasing or benefiting Audlem amenities such as flowers, benches and events such as the Big Switch on at Christmas.
In 2019 the Open Gardens event was held in June withtwelve gardens opening with other attractions as well such as Glass art at Vertical shores and photographic exhibition by Shaunagh Warburton and not the forgetting the many scarecrows around the village.